Saturday, April 4, 2009

Funny Conversation

This is the conversation i was talking about.

Lilacheart: And one other thing: Does [Clone Syaoran] still have feelings for Sakura? *ponders*
Starsight: No. XP He looks at her as...a box. o_O
Starsight: ...Okay, bad example. XP But basically something that he has to fill, with feathers.
Lilacheart: Probably. *laughs* If he were still in love with Sakura, then there would be a problem...
Starsight: NO DURH. o_O
Lilacheart: *thinks of a very evil maniacal idea* 0.0!!!!!
Lilacheart: OK, where did I come up with that!? *doesn't know whether to say [evil] or [headcomp], does both* [evil][headcomp]
Starsight: *laughs*
Lilacheart: *wonders whether or not to tell Starry*
Starsight: TELL MEH!
Lilacheart: OK. *laughs*
Lilacheart: I know (for a fact) that Sakura will be captured by Clone Syaoran soon after Fai falls into a coma. And I (believe it or not) will not make her sit around like a weenie while waiting for Syaoran.
Starsight: XP!!!!!
Lilacheart: If she still loves Clone Syaoran, and he hates her... *is still wondering whether or not you can figure out what I'm about to say*
Starsight: No, she's a box to him. *is still sticking with "box theory"*
Lilacheart: I noticed.
Starsight: :D
Lilacheart: And Clone Syaoran's really emotionless...What would happen if Sakura kissed Clone Syaoran? o_O!!!!!
Starsight: o_O!!!!! *foocis*
Lilacheart: It's foocls. Stop foocling and spell it right. *laughs*
Starsight: No, FOOCIS = Falls Out Of Chair In Shock
Lilacheart: Oh. That makes sense. XD
Starsight: *laughs*
Lilacheart: I didn't know you'd made THAT abbreviation...but it makes more sense then laughing, I must admit. o_O
Starsight: Eh, I haven't used it in a while. XP Basically anything that's fooc-something is "Falls Out Of Chair" something. XP
Lilacheart: I'll do both. *foocls in shock*
Starsight: *laughs*
Lilacheart: What do you think would happen? o_O Either she'd get slapped or he'd be stunned for 5 minutes in shock. One or the other. ^_^
Starsight: The former. XP
Lilacheart: But then again, who slaps a box?
Starsight: *foocl*
Lilacheart: *slaps a box* Me!
Starsight: *dies of laughter*
Lilacheart: *laughs*
Lilacheart: *is in a sarcastic mood today* XD Foocis sounds almost like the word foo with the word kiss at the end. o_O *is shot*
Starsight: *does shooting*XP
Lilacheart: *laughs*


Mistsong/Gabrielle said...