Woah i did this at like 2 in the morning and i thought i would post it. I actually thought i was going to get Watanuki lol shows how much i know.
You’re kinda like Fai from Tsubasa! Flamboyant, charismatic maybe a little bit tricky, you don't like letting anyone get too close to you, but you have no problem playing around and having a good time. Generally, your intentions are good – or so you’d like everyone to believe, but it’s quite possible that you have a darker side to you that you have become extremely good at hiding. Just remember that there are people around you that love you. More than you even know…
Fai -------------------- 88%
Seishirou -------------- 83%
Chii ------------------- 71%
Yuuko ---------------- 71%
Hokuto --------------- 67%
Kero-Chan ------------ 63%
Watanuki ------------- 63%
Miyuki-chan ---------- 58%
Kamui ---------------- 54%
Kurogane ------------- 54%
Sakura --------------- 50%
Lucky!!!!! I wish I had got Fai!!!
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