Friday, January 9, 2009

Princess Sakura

My scanner had broke. But i fixed it so, Ha! This is Princess Sakura from TRC. (Bonza-myuu to beat this pick you must draw your own.)


Mistsong/Gabrielle said...

WWWWHHHHAAAATTTT!!!! It would take me forever to draw something that awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Bonza-myuu :(

I suck at drawing... :(

You rock....:) :( i'm jealous...:(

Mistsong/Gabrielle said...

Dude, zombie powder is a totally awesome manga! It's pretty short though because the dude never finished it.

But then he made the totally awesome manga BLEACH!I think you should read Zombie Powder!

Then you should read bloody kiss it is so funny and romantic. It is also short.


Mistsong/Gabrielle said...

Fine don't read it BAKA!You will one day regret it!!!!!!

~Bonza-myuu >:(


Mistsong/Gabrielle said...

Oh, I did my own drawing and its on my blog (i totally beat you!).

What ever you do don't click on the drawing.

It's okay if you do but the drawing will get really big and you can see every flaw :(

Mistsong/Gabrielle said...

Sorry I messed up the first time.hehe

I never said you traced your pic you silly goose :).

What pic did you print off for me hmmmm?
